Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Who am I, really?

Of late with work pressures mounting and quality ready for its untimely decline I wonder who am I? Am I fine with letting go of the quality that I've been boasting about for most of my working life - all of 3 years and joining the ranks of corporate conformity - 'Client ko jo chahiye, dedo.' Easier said than done if you are the proud owner of an ego with a conscience to boot. Then there are those times when 'enough' is well past at 6 p.m. and you are still at work past 12 watching a good concept float down the drain... Ah the vagaries of 21st century work!

I find myself hunting my phone book, looking out for numbers, for people who I can talk to, people who would have something nice to say. No, not the rant I hate my effing workplace, the point is that everyone does. Just about a good day, a stray dog, a hi I missed you the other day or lets meet up but alas no one would remain awake at this ungodly hour. Just the few weird men at dadar station who despite all their good intentions just seem up to no good past 12 in the a.m. staring at a lone copywriter with her red bag, lost yet awake waiting for the rattling approach of the last train. When did I, a dreamer get here, I will never know. But someday, it would be a different train, a different plane, someday soon.


Vincent Castilino said...

Hi Rajee,
What's up??!! Hearing from you after such a long silence, I almost miss out understanding your state of mind and language!! Anyway, take heart, must have been a dogs day(s) of late. However foolish and unimaginable it may sound, it is these very challenging and seemingly obscure moments that define us!
So carry on with your smile!
Always with you!
Castilino, Hyderabad

Rajee Srinivasan said...

Hi there!
I was to write to you, it's the Christmas season after all, your days must be busy too.

So I thank you for your kind words and wish you a great time. Things at my end seem to be sorting themselves out, patience and faith I suppose are key.

Will write to you soon.
Do take care and replay whenever you have the time.


ARKANE said...
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ARKANE said...

well you could have buzzed me at such ungaadly hours .... except your crap lodafone would'nt catch range ... lodafone sucks!