Talking of righteousness
Purity they oft preach
Perched on high horses
Their thoughts in filth seep
Why care about another?
Feelings matter not
Behind by millennia
They remain filled with dearth
“How can I have his land?”
“I want that money to keep”
Material thoughts possess these minds
Wisdom from holy books they speak
“He was born low
How dare he fraternise!
In the house of this god
Only we can make the choice”
“She isn’t white enough
Who cares for her thoughts?
She could be one of us
Only if she questions naught”
“Of my caste I stand proud
I was born pure as milk
It’s not thought, nor deed or action
It is just this god’s will”
Blind they are to reason
Blind for choose not to see
Why am I to reason?
I will just simply be me